Gaucher History

Calling All Artifacts!!

The Office of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) History and Stetten Museum is looking for artifacts and documents that pertain to the work conducted by Dr. Roscoe Brady and others at the NIH or research supported by the NIH. The artifacts and documents will be part of an exhibit at Stetten Museum documenting the work of Dr. Brady and others in the discovery of Ceredase, the first enzyme replacement therapy for Gaucher disease.

If you have anything at all you can donate to the museum, please do! The Office of NIH History and Stetten Museum looks forward to accepting a wide range of materials for its collection on NIH and Gaucher disease. This list SUGGESTS BUT IS NOT LIMITED to the types of materials the collection can comprise:

  • Three-dimensional artifacts such as clinical equipment and personal objects
  • Photographs
  • Slides
  • Paperwork and forms related to the clinical trials
  • Journal entries, essays, and poetry
  • Art created by children in the trials
  • Presentations
  • Correspondence
  • Press releases
  • Newsletters, popular publications, clippings, and select scientific journals
  • Audio and video recordings

If you have artifacts to donate, please click on these links to download the Collecting GuidelinesAuthorization for Releasing PHI Information, and Deed of Gift form. If you have questions, please email us at